Human Testing

Human subject testing for hospital beds, wheelchair cushions, and other medical devices

  • HIPAA / IRB controls
    • EC Service complies with the requirements of the Department of Health and Human Services and testing staff have been trained in protecting the rights and welfare of human subjects as outlined in the declaration of Helsinki. All clinical trials are performed under an IRB.
  • Experienced Staff
    1. I. Hospital Bed Testing. EC Service has performed human subject testing for bed performance, accessory performance, and accessories applied to the bed surface. Testing performed Includes pressure, friction, shear, displacement, disinfection and comfort.
    2. II. Wheelchair cushion testing. EC Service has performed wheelchair cushion evaluations for comfort, functionality, user acceptability, skin protection, positioning, microclimate management, force distribution, stability evaluation and adjustment of cushions.
    3. III. Lotion Evaluation. EC Service has performed evaluations of skin care products including skin protection lotion, antidermatophyte cream, pain relief and neuropathy support lotions.
  • Test Development
    • EC Service develops and performs testing on a wide variety of devices; call for a test development consultation.
Human Testing